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How to Make Sure an Acting Agent Choosing You

(Every blog post read here helps to raise funds for families in need. Education that gives back. Simple. Powerful. Thank you for reading.) 

Are you interested in becoming the next big Hollywood star?  If you are, you will want to have an agent in your corner.  Yes, it is possible to find acting jobs on your own, but did you know that many major television and movie studios rely on agents to do the “dirty,” work for them.  That so called dirty work involves sorting through qualified and unqualified candidates.


Since you now know the importance of being represented by a Hollywood agent, you may be wondering how to find them.  The good news is that you have a few different options.  One of the most popular approaches is to use the internet. This is okay but use your best judgment.  Just because someone has a nice, professional website, it does not mean that they are a legitimate talent agent or a good one.


In keeping with finding a Hollywood agent to represent you as an aspiring actor, you have two options that are referred to as your best bets.  These options involve networking and purchasing printed guides.  In terms of printed guides, there is the Hollywood Representation Directory among others.  As for asking others, inquire about casting agencies from those who you meet along the way, such as in an acting class.


Now that you know how to find a Hollywood casting agent, you may be ready to get started.  But wait!  There is one important step you must first take.  That step involves preparing.  Never meet with a casting agent or agency without first developing a plan.  You may be surprised to hear that casting agents choose you.  So how do you make sure they do?


Always be prepared when meeting with an agent.  Know what is needed and expected of you ahead of time.  If specific requests weren’t made, use your head.  For example, bring a headshot of yourself, prepare a monologue, bring a copy of your resume, and so forth.  On that same note, agencies will usually tell you ahead of time what is required of you.  If not, ask, as it cannot hurt.


Another easy way to make sure you are selected for representation by a Hollywood agent is to avoid making common mistakes.  As previously stated, the biggest mistake you can make is being unprepared.  Next, not acting interested or acting too interested can hurt you.  Be yourself.  Leave the acting for when you are asked to read sample lines.


As a test, many acting and talent agencies ask to you to talk about yourself, such as what brought you to Hollywood.  Some say the worst thing you can do is recite your resume word for word.  Be creative.  Tell a little creative story.  With that said, if credentials or experience is involved, do not over-exaggerate.  Talk about your high school or college play with excitement.


After meeting with an agent, you may hear “we will get back to you later.”  This does not necessarily mean no.  So, use this to your advantage.  Send a quick reminder note in a few weeks or months.  With that reminder note, include tickets or information for a local performance you will be in.  Some agents and agencies only accept a limited number of new clients each month.  


Most importantly, examine the specialties of all agents you are interested in.  For example, some deal only with children, teenagers, or adults.  Some Hollywood agents are considered literary agents, meaning they only work with screenwriters.  There are also those who specialize in leading roles, secondary roles, movies, and television.  Find the match that is the perfect fit for you.


The above-mentioned steps are just a few of the many that you can and should take.  Since a Hollywood agent essentially decides if he or she wants to represent you, it is important that you sell yourself.  Through confidence and research, you can have an agent believe it is a mistake not to represent you.


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