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How to Work in Hollywood: Marketing Yourself Online

(Every blog post read here helps to raise funds for families in need. Education that gives back. Simple. Powerful. Thank you for reading.)

Do you want to be successful in Hollywood?  Whether you want to work behind the camera or in front of it, marketing and networking is important.  Many say that in Hollywood, it all depends on who you know.  This is a phrase that you may find true to some extent, so why not use the internet to your advantage?


When it comes to marketing yourself online, you may be surprised with all your options.  For starters, create a website for yourself.  When making your website, you want something that is eye catching, but professional at the same time.  If you want to work as an actor or actress, pictures are very important.  A few candid shots are nice, but your website should be composed of professional photographs.


In keeping with a website, it is also important to have samples of your work.  This is important whether you want to work in Hollywood as a writer, actor, actress, or behind the scenes.  If you want to break into acting, post videos of your performances.  It may be best to have an exert from a small scene you were in, like for a play, or by yourself reciting a monologue.  If you are interested in screenwriting, post samples of your work online.


In addition to samples, it is vital that you have a resume posted online.  In fact, your resume should be on your main page accompanied by one or two pictures.  The other pages of your website could contain links to your work and additional head and body photographs.


A blog is another way to market yourself online.  However, it may be best to run a website alongside a blog.  A blog is great for networking, but not always for professional purposes.  On your blog, describe your experiences at auditions, photo sessions, and so forth.  Always try to be professional, as you never know who is reading, but be sure to encourage comments.  This is a great way to develop an online relationship with other hopefuls.


If you do decide to create a blog, it is important to post samples of your work, even if you do so on a separate website.  A blog is nice in that all posts appear in chronological order.  So, it gives readers a chance to see how you have improved overtime.  Remember a website is for courting perspective employers, but a blog is geared towards networking and making connections with other hopeful Hollywood stars.


Next, it is recommended that you join online message boards that are themed towards your dream of making it big in Hollywood.  Online, often with a standard internet search, you can find communities that are devoted to hopeful actors and writers.  This is another great way to network and develop connections with your peers.  Although you may not find job leads shared by your competition, occasionally the board owner will make a post outlining opportunities that may be of interest to you.


Participating in online message boards is a great way to market and network yourself online, but the best success tends to come with social networking websites, like Myspace.  You will find that most hopeful Hollywood stars have one and you should too.  Join groups, meet new people, and engage in interesting conversation.


As a recap, there are several ways that you market yourself online.  You should not only use the internet to find Hollywood jobs, but to also make helpful Hollywood connections.


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