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Parents: How to Get Your Child into Acting

(Every blog post read here helps to raise funds for families in need. Education that gives back. Simple. Powerful. Thank you for reading.) 

Are you a parent who believes that your child can be the next big star to hit Hollywood?  Do you have a cute or beautiful child?  Do you have a child who has the personality of a comedian?  If so, you and your family may be willing to give Hollywood a try.  If so, continue reading on for a few helpful tips.


As it was previously stated, you may be ready to give Hollywood a try.  This is an important phrase to remember, as this is where your best chance for success stands.  Hollywood or New York are the two places where children see the best chance of breaking into television or movie acting.  If you live in the Midwest, there is always the chance that your child could star in local plays or appear in locally based advertisements, but for that “big time,” break, Hollywood or New York is recommended.


Unfortunately, this leads many parents to make a costly mistake.  That mistake is simply just packing up their car and heading to Hollywood. You have likely heard that Hollywood is tough, and it is.  It doesn’t matter how cute or talented you think your child is, they may not see success in acting right away or even at all.  That is why a plan of action is needed.


If you are a two-family household, some professionals recommend having one parent stay behind.  This parent can continue to work and pay for the bills, all the while maintaining a stable home environment.  The other parent can travel with the child to Hollywood.  This gives you the opportunity to scope out your child’s chances of making it big, but without taking a huge gamble.  While in Hollywood, attend open auditions, investigate minor clothes modeling opportunities, and try to find an agent that will accept your child as a client.


If you are a single parent, you can still travel to Hollywood to get your child into acting, but there are some steps you will first want to take.  One of those steps involves saving money.  Even if you opt to sell your home to relocate to Hollywood, save that money, don’t invest it all in your child’s quest to become famous.  When in Hollywood, continue to work. Enroll your child in school or daycare.  A job with flexible hours can allow you to generate needed income for your family, while still giving your child the opportunity to attend auditions and open casting calls.


If you are serious about getting your child into acting, it is important that you take the time to familiarize yourself with how the business works.  The good news is that this is easy to do with the internet, printed resource guides, and filmed documentaries.  As for why it is important to familiarize yourself with process of becoming a Hollywood child star, it can give you and your child an advantage.  It also reduces your risk of falling victim to an acting scam.


Speaking of scams, never believe anything that is too good to be true.  Were you or your child approached at a shopping mall by a talent agency?  As nice as it is to hear that your child has a look that can make them famous, know that someone may be trying to scam you.  Accept their contact information, but never agree to pay someone for their services right on the spot.  Anyone who pressures you to do so, especially, in a shopping mall, likely has poor intentions.  Take that card, return home and research the agent or agency online.


If you and your child are ready to head to Hollywood, it is time to get photographs taken.  You do not have to wait until you arrive in Hollywood to do this.  In fact, it may be cheaper for you to do so at home.  If you hire a professional photographer and ask to see samples of their work, you should walk away with quality headshots of your child.


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