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Do you have the ever so popular dream of working in Hollywood? Although having a Hollywood career is a dream that many have, it is one that not everyone actively pursues. If you are interested in truly making it big, you may be ready to get started.
When getting started in Hollywood, you will find many opportunities that promise success; however, not all opportunities produce the same results. One Hollywood opportunity that you may come across is that of a contest. Although a contest may not be based directly out of Hollywood, it may have prizes or promise results that focus on a successful career.
For example, are you a writer who has always wondered if you could write the next hit television show? If so, you may come across a television studio offering hopeful writers the chance to have their work turned into a show. If you are an aspiring actor, you may find a website requesting sample videos with the reward being a guest spot on a popular television show.
The above-mentioned contests are just a few of the many you can find that bring a touch of Hollywood into the mix. But are they worth your time? In all honesty, it depends. To determine if so, there are several questions you will want to ask yourself. Do this before submitting your work in a contest.
Do you retain rights to your work? This is an important question, as you do not want to handover your work for free. Unfortunately, there are many scams online that masquerade as online contests. Read all rules and guidelines first, especially if you are submitting written work. Having your screenplay stolen is bad, but there is nothing worse than later seeing it on television under someone else’s name.
So, in that aspect, if you want to submit a script for a television show or movie you have written, go ahead and do so, but use your best judgment. Entering a contest should be fun and exciting, not a decision you later regret.
Another question that you will want to ask yourself is if you are wasting your time. What is exciting about contests is the gamble. The best contests are when you have increased odds; however, that is rare to come across when anything Hollywood related is involved. Why? Because the number of entries received are huge.
So, what you want to do is consider what else you could be doing with your time. For example, are you are an aspiring actor? Instead of practicing and recording a short skit for the chance of winning, why not actively search for paid acting jobs or star in local plays if you have yet to arrive in Hollywood?
If you are serious about becoming a Hollywood star, whether it be in front of or behind the camera, you may be afraid of passing up a contest. We all know that many got their start in Hollywood simply by chance. That, however, is usually rare. If you want to be successful in media, it is more important to rely on knowledge, hard work, and determination.
In short, if you decide to enter yourself in media related contests that could help you get a start in Hollywood, fine. Just do not rely on them too heavily.